About Us

You need a Clear Path for success.

Hello. How are you? My name is Gary and I’m the founder of Clear Path Local. Have you ever asked yourself any of the following questions?

  • How can I get my face out there and let people know about my business?
  • Why do I struggle for business when I offer great products and/or services?
  • I’m so busy, who can help me promote my business?
  • How can I build my business and increase profits?
  • Is is possible to have someone create a website for my business without breaking the bank?
  • How do you do SEO and by the way what in the heck does SEO even mean?

If you’ve ever asked one of these questions or something similar, then you’re in the right place. We’re here to help you transform your business by getting increasing traffic and as a result – your bottom line.

Are you leaving money on the table?

We offer beautifully built websites, quality web development, and first-class customer care. We’re people who love to create but also love to teach … and we want to help you grow and succeed.

Yeah, that’s me.

My name is Gary. I love being creative. I enjoy the process of creating a website from scratch with a blank canvas. Envisioning what it will look like and how it will function when its completed. This provides an amazing creative outlet for me while paying the bills. However, one of the greatest joys I have is when I client tells me their business is up, way up. They get all excited and are appreciate of our work. My success is your success. Let us help you meet your objectives… using a Clear Path.